Life of Fred by Stanley Schmidt, Ph. D., Elementary Series (Set of 9) #2227
Format: Hardcover
Additional Condition Information: Used book. The Apples book has several stray scratches on the back cover. The Dogs book has a tear on the top corner of the back cover. The Goldfish book has an indention on the top front cover.
Copyright: Apples 2015, Butterflies 2016, Cats 2011, Dogs 2016, Edgewood 2017, Farming 2017, Goldfish 2017, Honey 2017, Ice Cream 2016
Publisher: Polka Dot Publishing
ISBN#: Apples 978-0-9791072-4-5, Butterflies 978-0-9791072-5-2, Cats 978-0-9791072-6-9, Dogs 978-0-9791072-7-6, Edgewood 978-0-9791072-8-3, Farming 978-0-9791072-9-0, Goldfish 978-1-937032-00-5, Honey 978-1-937032-01-2 , Ice Cream 978-1-937032-02-9
#2227 Life of Fred by Stanley Schmidt, Ph. D., Elementary Series (Set of 9)
SKU: #2227
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